MMR 0.00% 0.3¢ mec resources limited

Woooooo Hooooooo Go MMR :)$$$$$$$$$, page-15

  1. 11,248 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2764

    That’s my call as well Whip there is no way MMR is going to re list on the 28th of Oct 2024 imo, but I certainly hope it does $$$$$

    But to me currently MMR is caught in the catch 22 situation atm as you damnend if you do and your dammed if you dont don’t, Mr wrecking ball Husic maybe holding it over Pep11 Incs head atm the current trading status of MMR, we don’t actually know what he’s questions are yet or actually what he might be up to DB is certainly tight lipped about everything atm ?????

    I’ve been in touch with head office about increasing my allocation if not all allocated and exercised scrip rights are taken, and I should be in a good position having taken part in most of the previous cap raises around Pep11 Inc over the past 5 years, but we still seem to definitely have a road block now with the legal system surrounding Pep11 inc moving forward, especially as the AnAl crew could throw the caretaker mode switch at any time that suits them tbh, and we could be buried in the legal system again for over 12 months again like in 2022/23, and that’s along with MMR trading again possibly imo, which of course now has dragged into 2024 and seems to be getting serious again legally in the ST currently.

    DB has climbed mountains to get he’s baby MMR trading again over the past 5 years, many gave us up for dead MMR the past years, but it does seem DB has a away to go yet imo, but atleast the summit is in sight imo.

    Like I said earlier I can’t see us trading again before Pep11 exploration approval tbh, because we need a vehicle and future plan to trade under imo, DB has been drawn over the coles before in BPH by the ASX and suspended for same, so they the ASX will definitely be watching this re listing of MMR like a hawk imo.

    Will also be interesting to see what percentage take up the allocation in the ST, suppose we will know all by the 20th of October 2024 when up take closes, there would be a lot of stale bread in the MMR scrip after 5 years imo, some deaths and divorces as well as is per usual, but still will be a percentage that are just happy to hold onto what they have moving forward, rather than throwing any more coin at MMR imo.

    GL Whiplashed very interesting, intriguing and overdue outcomes pending atm for us long beaten MMR holders imo.

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Mkt cap ! $5.549M
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0.4¢ 0.4¢ 0.3¢ $1.108K 276.9K

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18 19733090 0.3¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
0.4¢ 7743143 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 14/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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