TLS 1.11% $4.03 telstra group limited

Where to now for long term investors of Telstra, page-213

  1. 6,307 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 499
    Mate, Penn don't have to be a "caretaker". Just look at Steve Jobs. Are we saying that we can't have a CEO like that? Entrepreneurship is not just on small coys. Many big companies have very entrepreneur CEOs.

    PS: Does BIS makes thorium nuclear plant ready steel? Sounds like TLS should really invest in them.
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Mkt cap ! $46.56B
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$4.06 $4.08 $4.02 $23.26M 5.748M

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74 439415 $4.02

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Price($) Vol. No.
$4.03 431679 74
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Last trade - 15.42pm 15/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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