PER 6.67% 0.8¢ percheron therapeutics limited

where to from here, page-2

  1. 8 Posts.
    Last few Paragraphs of the announcement says it all. Systemic and methodical analysis with further data Jan 2025. Only because they have money. They might find future opportunities. Investors have lost faith. And probably not much to offer other companies in way of take-over or partnership. So even if they find future "opportunities"....

    To me it sounds like they are well aware the likely outcome is watching money gurgle down the sink until there's none left. That their systemic and methodical analysis seems akin to looking at a cadaver for far too long whilst knowing it can't be brought back to life.

    Still, the announcement to me does have a bit of humility. There was hope. There was a small advancement in DMD. The biggest losers aren't executives & investors etc.

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