HAV 2.70% 18.0¢ havilah resources limited

uranium: preparing for listing.

  1. 22,691 Posts.
    27 Sept. 204: Curnamona Energy - A New Uranium Exploration Initiative: Havilah has formed a new 100% owned subsidiary, Curnamona Energy Pty Ltd, that will hold 100% of Havilah’s Tertiary uranium exploration interests in its Curnamona Craton tenements.

    In due course it is proposed that Havilah will sponsor the public listing of Curnamona Energy and retain a majority controlling interest.

    Curnamona Energy will employ independent management skilled in uranium exploration, development and marketing.

    This will create a new public vehicle suitable for those investors who have a positive view on the future of uranium as an energy source, and who wish to participate in exploration of the world class Curnamona Craton uranium province:


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18.5¢ 18.5¢ 18.0¢ $27.74K 152.7K

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3 158128 17.5¢

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19.5¢ 2000 1
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