The Universe

  1. 67,680 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 320
    I have always, since a child been interested in Astronomy. I have certainly forgotten most of what I studied.

    I had 2 telescopes and also progressed t about 60% building a 12" reflector scope which from memory was about 3m long.

    However, my love of surfing, tennis and squash took over and I never completed the task.

    Another valid excuse was that living in the suburbs of Sydney the well lit night environment was not conducive to maximise the use of the telescope. Additionally, the prosect of installing it in a solid concrete base and on a pole and adding the required, exacting controls was impractical let alone too tedious.

    However, for a rudimentary explanation of the universe I recently came across this quite basic but descriptive short video. I have posted the link to it below for those who have a general interest.

    When one appreciates the vastness of the universe, it is difficult to imagine any other life forms capable of reaching our planet. For that reason, I am not a believer in UFO's. If there are any life forms other than ours in the universe, I find it difficult to contemplate a visit from them at all, let alone whilst our rare planet still exists before it is either destroyed by humanity or the ultimate encroachment of our expanding sun.

    If this link does not open, try searching it directly on Youtube.
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