"shows how little trust folks, including me, have in the...

  1. 24,440 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8

    "shows how little trust folks, including me, have in the electoral process in some states."
    Well, what it actually shows is your confirmation bias.

    You have been advised before to not just post the first Trump friendly snippet you see.

    You NEVER cross check to see if you've been duped so, once again.....

    Points however for admitting you were sucked in.

    As to the second old and apparently never before seen clip:

    • Who's on the balcony making the recording ?
    • Are they a registered poll watcher ?
    • Is it their first time as a poll watcher ?
    • Have they had any training in how the electoral process works ?
    • What counting centre is it; date and time ?
    • What are the names of the video maker, the other voice on the tape, the 2 workers and the security guard ?
    • Get an enhanced version of the tape so that you can actually see what she is writing or marking.
    • What names is she writing ?
    • Is she marking 2020 Presidential ballots or some other election ?
    • Why has the video maker sat on this tape for 3 1/2 years ?

    Please report your findings at your earliest opportunity.

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