One more nail went into the coffin of rugby league today with the announcement that Oceania will have direct entry to the Soccer World Cup Finals. It will also likely give Aussie Rules a big nudge on the downward path.
Why is this so? Well the sporting emphasis will change in this country with more youngsters drawn by the glamour of playing in the world cup, which Australia would be 80% certain of reaching each time. More people will be taking an interest more sponsorship dollars will flow in that direction. Something has to give and primarilly it will be rugby league which has already lost the gate attendence battle and exists only on t.v. rights and media hype. The money will move and sound the bell for the NRL. Rugby Union will survive as there is also a genuine international competition in the sport but the pressures will also extend to aussie rules which is a local game only.
The law of supply and demand will determine the outcome but the future looks bleak for league with Australia competing in the soccer and union finals every two years turn about and with cricket also being being a major international sport there simply won't be any room for anything else.
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