Russia Ukraine war, page-4275

  1. 30,706 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1973

    LOL no that's only your perception.

    It may take you a long time to compose an answer but I assure you I don't labour over mine. Time for other things.

    Also funny is the perception that I'm necessarily a male.

    Note that Minister for Communications has been shutting down propagandists.

    Communications Minister Paul Fletcher has told some of the world’s most powerful technology companies to remove Russian state media organisations from their platforms in Australia for spreading disinformation and promoting violence on the invasion of Ukraine.
    He has now sent letters to platforms including TikTok, Meta and Google requesting the immediate removal of the content.

    The move comes days after Australian TV networks Foxtel and SBS voluntarily pulled Russian state-owned news services, RT and Sputnik, from their services. Russian services have also been blocked or restricted by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube in Europe, following a request from the European Commission.“

    Given the current actions of the Russian government, and the lack of genuinely independent Russian media, these actions are responsible and appropriate,” Mr Fletcher wrote. “In light of the exceptional circumstances that are unfolding in Ukraine, and in the interests of protecting sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Australian government asks that [your company] takes such action in respect of content disseminated on your platform in Australia.”Earlier this week, Mr Fletcher urged the technology platforms to act responsibly and reminded them to adhere to the Australian Code of Practice on Disinformation and Misinformation. A government source said at the time that more action would be taken if the platforms did not remove the content voluntarily.


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