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PLL General Discussion, page-46

  1. 3,284 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7093
    This thread is not to blame, what is to blame is increased clarity that PLL stands to make oodles of money from its off-take.

    While the three factors below exist, a lot of noise in PLL HC threads is an unavoidable part of investing in PLL. These three factors are:
    • PLL having trading relationships with SYA
    • Those trading relationships meaning PLL will make oodles of money from their trading relationship with SYA
    • SYA having an extremely active HC community.

    A fourth doesn't help which is PLL investors drifting into the SYA threads with negative posts.

    Personally I'd prefer spod prices to stay massively above $900 and have messy HC PLL threads - be it this one or others that will occur.
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