PAR 1.98% 51.5¢ paradigm biopharmaceuticals limited..

PAR. SP, page-22

  1. 216 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    Hahaha. Always laugh when I read a comment like: Ah, can you believe these prices! Averaging down!!! After 5 years of watching this spectacle: been there, done that and the depth of red has only grown. But hey: THIS IS THE HOLY GRAIL OF MEDS….that after all this time, NOBODY knows about except perhaps their 200 Twitter followers of whom half is on this platform, so keep averaging down brother. There ain’t no deal a coming. And neither will there be even of 008 results are statistically significant this time….at least we’ll always remember that jolly ol football players who’s knees are now working again!!!
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Mkt cap ! $200.5M
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50.0¢ 53.0¢ 50.0¢ $430.3K 833.9K

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1 19409 51.5¢

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52.0¢ 23694 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 14/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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