LTR 0.00% 60.0¢ liontown resources limited

Lithium Related Media Articles, page-424

  1. 6,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2852
    I would prefer a consolidation for the reasons you have listed BBV over a buyback.

    Consolidations are done by penny stocks to help them become dollar stocks.

    Buybacks are done by big MO FO companies like Qantas for example when they are producing large profits as they did under low fuel prices.

    It strengthens already very strong companies.

    If we made a large sum of money by selling an asset I would prefer an extraordinary divey than the money being used for a buyback to be honest.

    Just my opinion.

    For the moment bigger fish to fry. These guys are flat out, think of all the things going on ATM and thats just the stuff we know of!

    Exciting news filled times to be an LTR holder
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3 5640 63.0¢

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56.0¢ 33000 1
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Last trade - 09.59am 12/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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