PAR 1.98% 51.5¢ paradigm biopharmaceuticals limited..

how might the new USA maga admin affect par's opportunities

  1. 372 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 50
    Just as a point of interest...with the incoming republican government in the usa....and the projected appointment of robert kennedy junior to the health portfolio.....i wonder if there might be an improved political aspect that might favour paradigm's chances and opportunities to succeed...Kennedy has reportedly stated that he wants to make America healthy again ...and that would appear to coincide with what Par wants for the population. especially with their opioid crisis ithe USA......perhaps it also coincides with Trump's aim of reducing the drug dependence in other thing....Trump is looking to boost manufacturing and income in any way he can and also reduce costs and the massive debt burden (36 trillion dollars) any way that he can ..Surely a company like PAR would have to be looked at fondly in political terms...and who knows...maybe there is a political pipeline to the FDA on various issues like promising health benefits to the USA....all theoretical I know but a push by PAR mamnagement at the moment would not be a bad idea......(if they get what I mean )
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