ETM 6.76% 7.9¢ energy transition minerals ltd

Greenland Visiti feb 4th

  1. 2,285 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 689

    As previously announced the management team will visit Greenland from the 4th February...

    They have not at this stage confirmed the length of the trip but have detailed they're intent....

    This is all spelled out in Daniel Mamadou's recent News release giving details of the trip....
    Too build relationships and have face to face meetings with the Government...and others

    Note that this visit is 7-8 weeks prior to the GREENLAND ELECTIONS...

    There are some interesting facts and opportunities that will exist with this trip if it becomes possible to have open dialogue with the Government as a whole and not individual meetings...

    Previously the Cabal of 3 prior to the 2021 election put out much false and misleading information and fear mongered the local population as a point

    Naaja Nathanielsen gave misleading and false information to the parliament which is on recored...and faiked to have open dialogue with the company to find a pathway forward.....

    The SP:

    I do not think that the SP will sky rocket during this period but will remain steady. If we have good news then we will see upward movement. But much needs to happen in the next couple months for this to happen...

    Greenland Election April 6th

    Mute Egede is promoting INDEPENDENCE is the theme for the election from what I have been reading...Will he want to take a vote on it...??

    I am not sure how this can be achieved in the don't have a serious improvement in the Islands income from fishing.....

    The parliament has a majority of Danes as I understand not Inuit

    further the older residents are looking downwards but the young are looking upwards and want change as they see how things are changing in the fishing and the weather...

    President Trump wants control over Greenland not a surpisng move with all the potential turmoil heading towards the Arctic....

    He also want the US to have control over Greenlands

    They can talk all they like about Critical Minerals at present its all very hard and many in extremely isolated areas with small population or none....

    Uranium is a potential issue for the US as a large part of the enriched Uranium they use for their increasing reactor fleet comes from Russia......

    Yes they can get it from elsewhere but Kvanefjeld has about 10% of world supply in a project that has by woeld standars a very low ppm300 and a bit....

    Keeping in mind that Kvanfjeld is about the Rare Earths and only 5% of the Uranium was going to be used as By Product...

    So I think for the next few weeks we will have a lot of moving parts ,

    Donald Trump does not seem to want to go slow andmess around is moving very quickly on all things he has talked about...


    Mexico/Canada already started. (this is really all about immigrants on the border and Fentanyl)

    I think that we need to keep a close eye on the local NEWS. Sermitsiaq from day ONE.....

    Food for thought

    "Compromise and Collaboration"

    "Go Thor"
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