Warming and cooling periods are natural. The earth is old enough to have had 100 million of each.
What's different is that human charlatans have made fortunes, over thousands of years, by attaching an unscientific cause to these periods . Be it god's will, a comet, the death of a king, weird entrails of a bird, CO2 etc. The list is endless.
The charlatan always finds a way.
They were at it in the decades up to 1980 punching out an ice age scare.
So by blaming human produced CO2 the stalinist fifth column can see the opportunity to de-industrialise the West thereby giving stalinist regimes like Russia and China a better chance of winning a protracted war. At some point in the future these collaborators will have to answer......
Humans have, however , not been silent. We have seen the building of millions of square kilometres of black bitumen roads. An even larger area of heat absorbing rooftops not to mention the trillions of trees that have been cut down. Trees act as mini coolng air conditioners.
Even so the bottom line is that the modern day Lysekos are trashing all science. Lysenko was stalin's anti science "Sciencei Minister".