UNT 7.14% 1.5¢ unith ltd

Last time I remember UNITH had shares in Uneeq.Uneeq a little...

  1. 82 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    Last time I remember UNITH had shares in Uneeq.

    Uneeq a little company from NZ has gone on to do great things with great clients and feted in the US as we can see .

    UNT’s investment is because of former director Dom Carosa and Steve Shapiro ( RIP ) let’s hope the new board has not sold their shares just to pay directors fees!

    We definitely need a proper CEO you are right the Uneeq CEO came across very well . This is in contrast to our “ CEO” who was a nervous stuttering wreck at the last presentation .

    Our former CEO left and now UNT is known around the world for anything BUT digital humans

    Sadly Brew the quarterly won’t be as an exciting read as Diablos biography ….but it will disappoint investors the same

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Mkt cap ! $18.43M
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1.4¢ 1.5¢ 1.4¢ $54.80K 3.821M

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6 2410100 1.4¢

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1.6¢ 1120000 7
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Last trade - 15.54pm 21/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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