MEI 4.44% 8.6¢ meteoric resources nl

General discussion (MEI), page-4421

  1. 470 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 215
    ARR ZERO strip ratio, capex will be lowest of any REE player period. DOD and DOE-funded R&D bio-mining partnerships as well thats paying off and responds well to ARRs ore hence it is the only game in town on that front. IRA subsidies for American producers, US state and federal grants funding Capex and building a US-based processing plant. Lynas got $250m ARR will likely get more. ARR is about to list on NASDAQ too so funding won't be an issue period. LARGEST KNOWN DEPOSIT OF NdPr, Tb, Dy on EARTH. The metallurgy speaks for itself, changes the game. MEI is still a good play though and a needed piece of the puzzle.
    a pioneer!
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Mkt cap ! $197.0M
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9.0¢ 9.0¢ 8.3¢ $606.0K 6.988M

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3 958173 8.5¢

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8.6¢ 99179 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 06/09/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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