MEI 6.17% 7.6¢ meteoric resources nl

General discussion (MEI), page-100

  1. 188 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 65

    I still have a lot ofconfidence in Dr Tunks and his team of geologists here in Oz and Brazil. Despitesome negatives comments, coming from people who do not own any script. Whybother in the first place?

    We need patience and time to let the guys do their best, find more Au and possible Cu resources.

    Yes, we can accuse him of not communicatingoften enough and let us know what it’s installed for 2022. I may be naive but amhopeful that company will be going forward eventually.

    The facts speak for themselves:“The Company’s total portfolio ofResources across its Juruena and Palm Springs Projects now stands at ~750,000oz Au.

    “TheCompany’s drilling to date has uncovered bonanza grade gold results, including20.6m @ 94.9g/t Au incl. 3.65m @ 508.4g/t Au as well as a high-grade gold shootat Juruena’s Dona Maria prospect.

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