IXR 14.3% 0.6¢ ionic rare earths limited

General Chat / Discussion, page-9553

  1. 720 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 240
    Been patient for 2 years now and it gets harder when you are 400k down on your investment. There are companies out there without Demo plants that have signed Offtakes and that received finance so you don't need a Demo plant. It was Tim that stated that he was close to signing Offtakes six months ago, now he doesn't want to discuss Makuutu whats the go with that.
    We signed Ford almost a year ago without out Demo plant so it can be done, it almost feels since the Demo Plants we have gone backwards , nobody really knows how good your Management really is, I was expecting more purely on Tims own words and also invested more
    when he stated that we were at final stages of Offtakes negotiations months ago.
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0.6¢ 0.7¢ 0.6¢ $30.92K 4.841M

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32 12466221 0.6¢

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0.7¢ 28951635 46
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