IXR 8.33% 0.7¢ ionic rare earths limited

General Chat / Discussion, page-195

  1. 1,486 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 276
    Not sure if there will need to be a TH. Just drop it, they already know what's in there

    I thought somewhere they said they planned to upgrade the resource again before the SS though

    Could that drop beforehand? Would be more likely to need a TH

    Is it worth dropping a SS only to have it be obsolete straight after? would think they would do most recent results first...
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0.7¢ 0.7¢ 0.7¢ $2.132K 320.3K

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54 35041592 0.6¢

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0.7¢ 25749774 30
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