ARU 3.45% 14.0¢ arafura rare earths ltd

„US mine-to-magnet supply chain is coming togetherIn the US, a...

  1. 289 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 134
    „US mine-to-magnet supply chain is coming togetherIn the US, a rare earth mine-to-magnet supply chain is actively coming together via MP Materials, VAC Group, Noveon Magnetics and others, but the lack of a robust motor making midstream presents a crippling bottleneck that must be imminently addressed.By virtue of its raison d’être, Corvex Systems most likely agrees. The company is one of few manufactures of drone motors in America, which it does “in partnership with domestic material suppliers” and is working to domesticate the American unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) supply chain.According to Corvex, “motors are currently the single most vulnerable component of the UAV tech tree, with over 85% of the global supply manufactured overseas” (i.e., China).“China has made it abundantly clear that they will arbitrarily deny the United States access to their UAV industry, and in fact have already done so multiple times. Impending trade relation restructuring by the Trump administration and planned escalations by the CCP against Taiwan guarantee that these restrictions will only continue to strangle America’s military and commercial objectives”, the company adds.“

    All fits together:

    unfortunately ARAFURA is a again late. Not saying too late, but late.
    As I always stated since years (also to management): arafura has a tendency to miss the bus.
    at the peak of EV Hype, mine is not ready. At the beginning of Robotics, Airmobility, drones, where is ARAFURA?

    yes, as Darryl stated: it’s an opportunity for an antycyclical investment, or in other words, we missed the 8 o’clock train, lets prepare for th next one…

    lets go for the FID. now.
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