EVG 0.00% 2.6¢ evion group nl


  1. 3,914 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 966
    Messing with your head? Me? Quite the opposite SB. I was genuinely attempting to help calm your farm lol.

    As you know, those 5 short term goals are all important but the first one (ESIA and Mining Licences) is the Big Kahuna IMO. Get these applications in and then do some more waiting.... the big plus being that our neighbour may have paved the way for us (one would hope). Approvals will get the rocket boosters firing under the SP.

    Junior Kahuna = binding offtakes.... the other three fight out the trifecta IMO.

    Tooheys - just cracked one (Bourbon when the sun goes down) wink.png

    Surfing - yes I miss surfing too... spent most of my younger years doing it cool.png

    Good luck to us all.
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