LPD 0.00% 0.2¢ lepidico ltd


  1. 2,427 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 700
    well shareholders have an interesting time a head , Liquidation being the biggest one , lots of interesting stuff around , the only saving grace is Voluntary Administration and wether its the directors anticipation of a impending crisis or wether the stay on reporting in this circumstance combined with reorg of assets will create a window of time will largely depend on how creditors vote, nonetheless given all the rosy words that have kept many of us here and doubts at this point wether it was ever a viable entity will no doubt be foremost with most shareholders. For me a loss of this magnitude late in life is life changing and equally if it came to being as a producer it would most likely be life changing. So we will find out in short time , wishing all well and hoping for either a Deed of Company Arrangement or return to the BOD after a reorg and perhaps sale of some assets and renewed priority to be a miner or refiner, so heres hoping we as shareholders are unlikely to hear much beyond a brief statement of determination as all decisions rest with creditors and the administrator
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