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CDT - General Discussion, page-15

  1. 301 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 62
    No, just because the market is doing so so doesnt mean company executives are in a position to chill and do nothing or little. If a timeline is shared, its his responbility to keep it on track regardless of the market sentiment. Its always almost impossible to time an anns with the market sentiment. What we should do is continue the work as planned, even if not much move with one ann, the market shall realise the work and value of the anns for the long run. Just look at DRE, how the MD has been performing and eventually SP rise will follow.

    I even find it a bit funny and frustrating when it is said we had a extreamly busy quarter in the last quarterly report - did we? We have so much potential but lacking actions.
    Last edited by Sealion002: 01/11/22
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0.3¢ 23053818 25
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