DRE 9.09% 1.0¢ dreadnought resources ltd

It's pretty nice having the world-class REE asset there in the...

  1. 5,863 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8512
    It's pretty nice having the world-class REE asset there in the background, waiting for a rebound in REE prices, to commercialise it.

    DRE did get up to just under a $500M market cap, off the back of the REE discovery, and that was before the resource drill-out, the 100Mt Exploration Target (just on the ironstones), the discovery/confirmation of the carbonatites, the discovery/confirmation of the Niobium, metallurgical, and all the other work done since then.

    REE prices would need to rise a lot to get back to where they were when DRE was around $500M MC, but a ban by the Chinese would certainly get them up there pretty quick.

    So, talking about using the gold mining profits from The Star (and afterwards from "Star Deeps" & from "Friends of the Star"), for exploration, to find a life-changing discovery...
    Well, the REEs are already there as one of those life-changing discoveries; just need the Chinese to ban REEs and the REE price to jump back up to where it was (or where the analysts have the NdPr price as a long-term price point).

    And the way Trump and China are going, won't be long before there is a ban on REEs.


    Last edited by Green Bull: Wednesday, 03:22
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