AQD 12.5% 4.9¢ ausquest limited

I let my head go a little on 2 drill holes. Worked through a...

  1. 5,047 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1486
    I let my head go a little on 2 drill holes. Worked through a bunch of assumptions and parallels to other near neighbour Peru mines. Size roughly base on observed AQD features of caldera shrunk 50% and mineralised extents using average grades over drill lengths. No uplift for "potential" higher grade core or satellite intrusions. The 2 holes were open in every direction except up ;-) so volume could be bigger. No credits for other metals such as Au . 70 % recovery etc... all made up, but typical industry parameters.

    Asked chatgpt to run through standard NPVs over 15-20 years

    Produce a table of scenarios, one of the scenarios was Grade and copper price per ton. I honestly think the AI did a great job, the rubbery parts were all my assumptions based on 2 holes..

    But gives an indication of how our NPV would vary based on grade results on future drills.

    I hope the next round of drill results don't make me look like a chump.

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