AVZ 0.00% 78.0¢ avz minerals limited

I disagree, for the ML to be issued the structure of dathcom...

  1. 876 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 281
    I disagree, for the ML to be issued the structure of dathcom would have to be in concrete.

    CATH will not pay for the 30.5% prior to a ML being issued. Therefore will not be the majority owner and in control unless other agreements are entered into prior to this OR Cong and Zijin 15% holdings are found to be legal…

    Im going to have a pure guess and say the CCP along with CATH will tell Cong, Zijin and Comminiere too bad soo sad we tried to rip AVZ off but alas the board and shareholders were too committed to obtaining what is rightfully theirs. Now those that said CCP run DRC don’t turn around now and say but the asset is the DRCs they decide.

    Felix will also want this done prior to ICSID for reasons outlined many times, once again pressure will come onto the corrupt to fall on their sword before they jeopardise the benefits the DRC will receive from a legal Manono.

    The way and only way the detractors and corrupt were ever going to win was AVZ going belly up. $30million AUD says that won’t happen now. All players can see it and there is no longer anything to gain from extending the timeframe. Gains now will only be made through fast tracking the project and I fully believe this is what CATH the CCP and Felix and the DRC will strive for from now.
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