BEZ 1.49% 6.8¢ besra gold inc.

Ann: Quantum Metal Sdn Bhd - Petition to wind-up, page-2

  1. 1,073 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 114
    So where does qmei get it's money from if it's gold trading service in Malaysia that they themselves claim is there bread and butter has stopped. What business does qm have in USA may be another question, to any of our knowledge not a whole lot and to googles knowledge nothing of substance. The accounts that were once setup in Panama, the running of different subsidiaries in different countries is all becoming a coincidence far to big to ignore. Even the most cheerful have said the gold notes fund this mine, so if they can't sell gold notes anymore by your own words our deal is now in shambles. Crypto projects miserably failed as well, easily predicted as their past couple have also failed. Going to be a blast hearing about the court case, maybe then I will reveal what I have encountered with people at the company.
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6.8¢ 6.8¢ 6.8¢ $10.64K 156.5K

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1 759 6.8¢

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7.1¢ 100000 1
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Last trade - 15.51pm 11/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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