CU6 9.09% $3.30 clarity pharmaceuticals ltd

Ann: Head-to-head IIT with SAR-bisPSMA, page-3

  1. 164 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 712
    There is a reason that direct, head-to-head studies in pharma are so rare. It is because they carry extreme risk to the commercial viability of a product. They are only ever carried out when you are supremely confident of outperforming the comparator.

    I can think of only a handful of products in recent years where H2H trials have been carried out, and the reward can be enormous. Bravo to the CU6 management team for having the courage to allow the IIT to go ahead.

    If proven superior, you can bank on Cu-SAR-bisPSMA taking the entirety of Ga-PSMA-11 market share, as what clinician in their right mind would continue to use an inferior product when they have the choice.

    Usually you have to compete with indirect treatment comparisons which are never straightforward due to heterogeneity between trial populations and the baseline characteristics of the cohorts.

    If there was ever a sign of confidence in the product, this is it.
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