PER 14.3% 0.8¢ percheron therapeutics limited

Ann: Clinical Trial Update, page-6

  1. 18,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5122
    Great update, good to have a specific date for the market to get excited about.

    Also re the other announcement, I do hope punters here have done a sufficiently basic analysis of this company prior to making an investment to understand how a double blinded trial works? The company is blinded to the trial results until the data is analysed by the contract organisation, and so when they find out is when we find out. All we can go off of is the impressive results from prior trials (albeit small sample size) and feedback from all participants (can’t distinguish between control and non control group), such as requests by participants recently for post trial access due to noticeable efficacy (again though, we are double blinded so this could still be a placebo effect)…
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