CAP 6.00% 9.4¢ carpentaria resources ltd

Interesting report ZF777. I'm sure you won't get to many likes...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 348
    Interesting report ZF777. I'm sure you won't get to many likes for posting it but I thank you for doing so, it's very relative to our long-term future. The better we're informed about all these things, the better we can make decisions.

    I guess most people here are already very aware of China's desire to cut our iron ore exports. If they could do that tomorrow I'm sure they would, but what interested me was America's possible stance on this re a cold war. That's a sobering thought. China also want to cut steel exports to us - might be just the kick in butt our governement needs to get steel manufacturing back up and running here.

    However I was very interested in our list of potential offtake partners, only one Chinese company, and appreciated the video that Hottin uploaded re Ray Koenig's speech on green steel and curbing CO2 emmisions. Like Hottin pointed out, Carpentaria got a mention. In that mention he referred to ongoing discussions that CAP were having with European steel makers. This is on top of the Japanese, Taiwanese, Middle Eastern potential customers Cap is talking to as well. The thing that really drew me to this comany is it's high fe rate and the green steel apeal. Their are plenty of other markets out there and CAP have the premium product. Sam0408 might be right, investors in CAP might need balls of steel to ride all this out, but I do believe that if CAP get these offtake agreements right, we will have very little to do with China.

    Investing in penny stocks is not for the faint hearted. I think something like 90% of them fail. Of the 10% left, only about 10% of them go on to be highly successful companies. Market forces may seem stacked against CAP at the moment, but is that really the case? Guess that's what every investor here - and potential investor - should be asking themselves.

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