BIT 23.1% 1.0¢ biotron limited

Ann: Agreement with C14 Consulting Group, page-3

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    Earlier, Ms. Molsbergen served as Vice President of Business Development for BioWa, Inc., for which she played a key role in establishing and building the novel antibody engineering platform company as a subsidiary of the Japanese company, Kyowa Hakko Kogyo (KHK). In three years of business activity, she successfully negotiated more than 15 deals valued at over $2.5 billion in future milestone payment and royalties with leading antibody and biopharma companies. She participated with KHK to identify new investment opportunities, and strategic planning for internal product pipeline development. The efforts led to the creation of market value of BioWa to reach over $1 billion in three years. Ms. Molsbergen received two President’s awards for her achievements. She has been featured in Nikkei Magazine for her business deal achievements with and on behalf of Japanese companies (May 2007 and June 2012).
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