BRU 4.26% 4.5¢ buru energy limited

Ann: Activities Update, page-2

  1. 28,197 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4866
    A 3D inversion dataset and rock physics study has been completed over the core of the Rafael 3D seismic survey area. The results have been used to support optimisation of the proposed Rafael 2 well path toward the thick sections of porous reservoir gets me excited in the morning.
    Q1 shaping up as make or break for Tom to deliver something he said he would deliver.
    Last edited by CEOChair: 17/12/24
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4.7¢ 4.7¢ 4.5¢ $12.02K 265.0K

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2 92760 4.5¢

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4.7¢ 34101 2
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