Albanese's failing leadership, page-11

  1. 16,566 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1486
    I suggest all the answers can be found in that Massage Parlour where Albo goes to iron out his creases. Inspiration is often found when you are at
    your most relaxed but with the poor boy from the housing comm no one knows whether he's coming or going. Personally i am very disappointed by
    Albo as it is just another small man syndrome kicking in. Wanted to be big, wanted to be liked not licked but ends up with no voice and no vision.
    As for a replacement, hire the masseuse with real hands on experience at the big end of town. It's not a stroke of genius, it's a lengthy process, it's like Albos' missile was pointed towards the stars yet failed to get off the launch pad. Where's Albo's Pilot program that I hear advertised. Promises of $275 electricity cuts years ago, a dud. Promises of working well with the indigenous - some 80per cent in places voted No. A dud. Working and listening to Chris Bowen - a dud. Allowing refugees to continue to cause harm to the law abiding community - a dud. the list doesn't end there. But hec, Albo
    did grow up raised by a single mother in a housing comm unit. I reckon she's wondering where the wheels fell of like the rest of us.
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