Lunnon finds shallow and broad gold with quartz breccia structure at Lady Herial

Lunnon Metals Ltd (ASX:LM8) has confirmed broad gold mineralisation at shallow depths at its Kambalda Gold & Nickel Project (KGNP), with two diamond drill holes at Lady Herial picking up intercepts which all graded over 2 grams per tonne (g/t).

These included 24.80 metres at 2.04 g/t of gold, 15.20 metres at 2.70g/t and 14.32 metres at 0.71g/t.

The results – which came from the tail end of Lunnon’s last drill program for 2024 – also allowed for identification of a robust quartz-breccia structure, with dimensions of 4.0 metres at 10.46g/t of gold from just 21 metres downhole.

The program had involved the drilling of three diamond holes, at the upper, middle and lower structures of Lady Herial, and collared adjacent to previous reverse circulation drilling done there.

Two of these returned quartz-breccia lode structures directly comparable with the adjacent
RC holes, with mineralised widths similar to the closest RC intercept, and holding grades which are recorded as high-grade, given the shallow to outcropping nature of the mineralisation.

Managing director Edmund Ainscough said the drilling work was a strong boost to confidence in the project.

“These results provide invaluable data to continue the Company’s methodical process of analysing and de-risking Lady Herial,” he said.

“Although it is currently a small-modest sized opportunity, its location on a granted mining licence with abundant infrastructure nearby, and its outcropping nature with generally shallow cover, offers a unique opportunity for Lunnon Metals.”

Lunnon has been trading at 21 cents.

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