Ozz Resources Limited is an Australia-based gold and base metal explorer. The Maguires...Ozz Resources Limited is an Australia-based gold and base metal explorer. The Maguires Reward project consists of a single granted prospecting license (P20/2318) covering an area of about 200 hectares (ha). The Pinnacle Well project consists of three exploration licenses (E37/1246, E37/1287 and E37/1355) covering about 150 square kilometers. The project is approximately 10 kilometers (km) east of Mt Davis, about 25 km north of Leonora and adjacent to the Great Northern Highway. The Rabbit Bore project consists of a single exploration license (E51/1671) covering an area of 2,390 ha. The Peterwangy project comprises two granted exploration licenses (E70/5124 and E70/5691) covering 13 blocks for a total area of approximately 4,440 ha. The Vickers Well Project covers two exploration tenement applications, E38/3732 and E38/3733, covering a total area of 251 square kilometers. The Mt Davis project lies adjacent to the Kalgoorlie-Kurnalpi terrane boundary of the Yilgarn Craton.More