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Helix Resources Limited is an Australia-based resources company. The Company's activity... Helix Resources Limited is an Australia-based resources company. The Company's activity consists of advancing, discovering and developing primarily copper deposits in the Cobar region of central New South Wales. Its projects include the Collerina Copper Trend, Cobar Gold Project, and Canbelego Project. The Collerina Copper Project is located in the active copper/gold mining and exploration district known as the Cobar Basin, within central New South Wales, Australia. The project comprises a tenement package approximately 1,300 square kilometers (km2) approximately 100-kilometer (km) east of the town of Cobar and covers a 60 km copper-prospective trend, known as the Collerina Trend. The Cobar Gold Project is located over 30 km east-southeast of Aurelia's Peak Gold Operations and only 16 km from the privately owned Mount Boppy Gold Mine. The Canbelego Project covers an area of over 40 square km of copper perspective ground, located 45 km south-east of Cobar.More

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Open 0.4¢   Day High 0.4¢   Day Low 0.4¢
Daily Volume 51000
Bids   Sellers
Number Price Volume   Number Price Volume
29 0.3¢ 31065214   13 0.4¢ 18446692

Directors & Senior Management

Mr. Michael Povey Executive Chairman of the Board
Ms. Meagan Hamblin Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Gordon Barnes Exploration Manager
C. Johnson Exploration Manager
Mr. Benjamin Donovan Company Secretary
Mr. Emmanuel Correia Non-Executive Director
Dr. Kylie Prendergast Non-Executive Director
Mr. Michael Benjamin Rosenstreich Non-Executive Director

Data source: Refinitiv

(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! $11.77M
Open High Low Value Volume
0.4¢ 0.4¢ 0.4¢ $179 51K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
29 31065214 0.3¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
0.4¢ 18446692 13
View Market Depth
Last trade - 15.39pm 17/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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