GreenX Metals Limited is an Australia-based company, which is engaged in exploration and...GreenX Metals Limited is an Australia-based company, which is engaged in exploration and evaluation of Arctic Rift Copper (ARC) and the defense of its rights at Debiensko and Jan Karski projects through the Claim. The ARC project is the copper-silver bearing Discovery Zone, located at the northern end of Neergaard Dal. The Discovery Zone comprises at least three parallel breccia faults trending northwest-southeast. The mineralization is expressed in two main forms, within which there are two sub-forms: Breccia bound, and Stratiform. In Breccia bound, mineralization occurs in thin quartz-dominated veining within the fault breccia and contains disseminated copper sulfides. In Stratiform, mineralization occurs immediately adjacent to the faults and comprises lenses and blebs of chalcocite and bornite measuring from mm-scale to 15 centimeters long. The ARC mineral system is known to be prospective for basalt, fault, and sedimentary rock-hosted copper mineralization.More