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DLI 0.00% 17.0¢

DELTA LITHIUM LIMITED - Charts / Financials

Delta Lithium Limited is an Australia-based exploration and development company. The... Delta Lithium Limited is an Australia-based exploration and development company. The Company is focused on the lithium-bearing pegmatite deposits, located in Western Australia. Its projects include the Mt Ida Lithium Project, Yinnetharra Project, Eureka Gold Project, and Earaheedy Basin. The Mt Ida Lithium Project is the Company’s flagship project and comprises over 30 tenements in the Mt Ida gold mining district, located approximately 100 kilometers (km) north-west of Menzies, in Western Australia. The Yinnetharra Project is located approximately 120 km northeast of Gascoyne Junction. The project sits within a tenement package comprised of seven tenements, four granted tenements and three pending tenement applications covering an area of 517.5 square kilometers (km2). The Earaheedy Basin project lies within the Earaheedy Basin, east of Wiluna in Western Australia. The land covers an area of over 270km2 directly to the north over the Mount Lockridge fault.More

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Open 17.5¢   Day High 17.5¢   Day Low 17.0¢
Daily Volume 147326
Bids   Sellers
Number Price Volume   Number Price Volume
9 17.0¢ 534087   7 17.5¢ 112054

Directors & Senior Management

Mr. James Croser Interim Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director
Mr. Peter Gilford Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary
Mr. Nader El Sayed Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
Mr. Steven James Laszlo Rowland Kovac Non-Executive Director
Mr. Joshua David Thurlow Non-Executive Director
Mr. Timothy P. Manners Non-Executive Independent Director

Data source: Refinitiv

(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! $121.8M
Open High Low Value Volume
17.5¢ 17.5¢ 17.0¢ $25.12K 147.3K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
9 534087 17.0¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
17.5¢ 112054 7
View Market Depth
Last trade - 16.10pm 23/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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