Conico Limited is an Australia-based mineral exploration company. Its projects include...Conico Limited is an Australia-based mineral exploration company. Its projects include Ryberg, Mestersvig, and Mount Thirsty. The Ryberg is a multi-element project spanning an area of 4,521 square kilometers (km2) on the east coast of Greenland, only 430 kilometers (km) north-west of Iceland. The tenement lies within an under-explored mineral province and has had a significant amount of magmatism intrude sulfur-rich sediments of the Kangerlussuaq Basin. The project area is located within the North Atlantic Igneous Province, a Tertiary volcanic center covering an area of 1.3 million km2 with continental flood basalts. The Mestersvig project is located on the east coast of Greenland only five km from the Mestersvig military base. The Mestersvig Project contains the historic Blyklippen Mine that produced a total 545,000 tons of ore. The Mount Thirsty Project is located 16 km northwest of Norseman, Western Australia and is a 50/50 Joint Venture between Conico Ltd and Greenstone Resources.More