Blue Energy Limited is an Australia-based oil and gas exploration company. The Company is...Blue Energy Limited is an Australia-based oil and gas exploration company. The Company is engaged in the exploration, evaluation and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources. Its geographical segment is Australia, which includes Queensland and the Northern Territory. The Company’s projects include Bowen Basin (ATP814P), Carpentaria Basin (ATP1112A), Galilee Basin (ATP813P), South Georgina Basin (ATP1114A, ATP1117A and ATP1123A), Surat Basin (ATP854P) and Greater McArthur Basin (EP199A, EP200, EP205A, EP206, EP207, EP208A, EP209A, EP210A and EP211A). ATP814P consists of six disconnected blocks in the North Bowen Basin in an area ranging from south of Moranbah up to Newlands in the Northern Bowen Basin. ATP1112A is located in the Carpentaria Basin of northwestern Queensland. It is located south of the Gulf of Carpentaria region and approximately 40 kilometers (km) west of Normanton. ATP813P covers a large area in the Galilee Basin in Central West Queensland.More