Bass Oil Limited is an Australia-based diversified oil and gas company. The Company is...Bass Oil Limited is an Australia-based diversified oil and gas company. The Company is engaged in oil production and holds an interest in eight permits in the Cooper Basin (Australia), including the 100% owned Worrior and Padulla oil fields and a 55% interest in a South Sumatra Basin (Indonesia) KSO. The Company’s projects include Tangai-Sukananti KSO, Cooper Basin Portfolio, Worrior Oilfield (PPL 207), Padulla Oilfield, Ex PEL 90K, PEL 182, Ex PEL 93, Ex PEL 100, and Ex PEL 110. PPL 207 covers 6.4 square kilometers (km2) and contains the producing Worrior oil field. The Padulla Oilfield has cumulatively produced 0.52 million barrels of oil and is producing over 30 barrels of oil per day. It owns an equity stake in fifteen Cooper Basin licenses, in the Cooper Basin covering a cumulative area of approximately 1,900 kilometers (km2). Ex PEL 100 contains the Cleansweep oil discovery. Its Ex PEL 93 is situated approximately 40 km southwest of Moomba.More