Akora Resources Limited is an Australia-based exploration company. The Company is engaged...Akora Resources Limited is an Australia-based exploration company. The Company is engaged in the exploration and development of the Bekisopa, Satrokala, Tratramarina and Ambodilafa Projects, all iron ore prospects in Madagascar. It holds some 308 square kilometers (km2) of tenements across these four prospective exploration areas. The Company’s flagship Bekisopa Iron Ore Project has a 194.7 million tons (mt) Inferred JORC Resource. The Bekisopa project is located 220km from the West Coast and is accessed from Antananarivo. The Satrokala Project is located around 20km to the south-west of Bekisopa. The Tratramarina Project is located only 16km from the ocean with a potential port/transhipping location south of Mahanoro near the mouth of the Mangoro River. The Ambodilafa Project is located approximately 45km from the coastal town of Nosy Varika and 75 km southwest of Mahanoro, which is a natural transhipping port location. Its geographical segments include Australia and Madagascar.More