Aureka Limited, formerly Navarre Minerals Limited, is advancing its suite of advanced...Aureka Limited, formerly Navarre Minerals Limited, is advancing its suite of advanced stage exploration projects. It owns a portfolio of advanced stage high grade gold projects across Victoria. Its projects include Stawell Corridor, Tandarra Gold, St Arnaud Gold, and Jubilee Gold. The Stawell Corridor Project (which incorporates the Irvine and Langi Logan gold projects and five other prospective targets) captures 60 kilometers (km) of a multi-million-ounce gold zone. The Tandarra Gold Project, which contains three main prospects: Tomorrow, Macnaughtan and Lawry located only 50km northwest of Agnico Eagle’s world-class Fosterville Gold Mine, and 40km north of the 22-million-ounce Bendigo Goldfield. Its tenements encompass the historical St Arnaud Goldfield and its associated mines, including the Comstock Open Pit. Jubilee Gold is a highly prospective exploration project consisting of a single tenement of 122 square kilometers located 25 km south-west of Ballarat, Victoria.More