AJ Lucas Group Limited is a provider of drilling services primarily to the coal industry...AJ Lucas Group Limited is a provider of drilling services primarily to the coal industry in Australia, and an operator, through its United Kingdom subsidiary Cuadrilla Resources Holdings Limited, of exploration and appraisal of conventional and unconventional oil and gas prospects in the United Kingdom. The Company's segments include Drilling and UK Oil and Gas Investments. The Drilling segment encompasses the Australian Drilling business and the Company's head office and corporate costs. The Australian Drilling business provides integrated professional drilling services, predominantly for exploration and degasification of coal mines but may also include the recovery and commercialization of coal seam gas, and associated services. The UK Oil and Gas Investments segment is engaged in the exploration for and commercialization of unconventional and conventional hydrocarbons in the United Kingdom. Its license holdings include Bowland, Elswick, Balcombe and 14th Round Licences-Yorkshire.More